Resume Rewrite

Is your current resume the best it can be? Are you confident that it captures your skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that stands out to potential employers? If not, it’s time to consider a professional resume rewrite service from Workspeak Consulting.


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graduate resume writing

Why Choose Workspeak Consulting?

Your resume is a reflection of your professional identity, and we take the responsibility of enhancing it seriously. Here are some compelling reasons why you should choose Workspeak Consulting for your resume rewrite needs:

  1. Tailored to Your Personal Experience: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our approach is highly customised to your unique skills, experiences, and career goals. We take the time to understand your background and aspirations, ensuring that your resume accurately represents who you are and where you want to go.
  2. Experts with a Proven Track Record: We are professional resume writers with a proven track record of helping countless job seekers achieve their career objectives. Our clients have successfully landed interviews and secured their dream jobs, thanks to our expertly crafted resumes.
  3. Confidence in Your Job Search: When you choose Workspeak Consulting, you’re not just getting a resume rewrite; you’re gaining the confidence to navigate the competitive job market. We empower you with a compelling document that opens doors and sets you on the path to success.

Resume writing for experienced professionals

1. Personal Consultation

Your journey with Workspeak Consulting begins with a 30 minute one-on-one phone consultation. During this conversation, our expert, Emma, delves into your career goals, your accomplishments spanning various roles, and your distinct strengths.

2. Resume Refinement and Enhancement

Emma’s expertise lies in crafting your existing resume to ensure it accurately reflects your expertise and experience. Her resume editing will ensure consistent formatting and language to create a polished and professional final document.

3. Collaboration & Feedback Loop

Your input is invaluable to us. Emma engages in a collaborative process with you, ensuring that your preferences are woven into the narrative. We welcome your feedback and work together to create a seamless, final resume.

4. Timely Delivery

As agreed upon, we deliver a polished and professionally-crafted resume within the stipulated time frame. This final document encapsulates your unique value and positions you as the perfect fit for the roles you aspire to attain.

Additional Career Services

Cover Letter Writing

A well-crafted cover letter complements your resume, providing a personalised introduction that grabs employers’ attention. With our Cover Letter Writing Service, you’ll have a compelling narrative that makes a great first impression and sets you apart from the competition.

Key Selection Criteria

Navigating key selection criteria can be daunting. Our career consulting service ensures that you effectively address these criteria, improving your chances of securing the job you desire by aligning your qualifications and experience with the employer’s requirements.

LinkedIn Profile Writing

Your LinkedIn profile is your online professional brand. Our LinkedIn writing service optimises your profile to maximise your visibility, making you stand out to potential employers, recruiters, and industry peers. It’s a valuable addition to your job-seeking toolkit.

Why a Professional Resume Matters

A professionally formatted and consistently presented resume is the linchpin of your job application success. Here’s why having such a resume is essential:

Confident Applications: A well-structured resume instil confidence in your job applications. It showcases your skills and experiences in a way that resonates with employers, making you feel more assured as you apply for coveted positions.

First Impressions: Your resume is often the first impression employers have of you. A professionally crafted one ensures that this first encounter is impactful and memorable, setting the stage for positive evaluations.

Effective Communication: It’s not just about listing your qualifications; it’s about effectively communicating how your skills and experiences align with the job’s requirements. A professionally written resume ensures your message is crystal clear.

Competitive Edge: In a highly competitive job market, an expertly tailored resume distinguishes you from the crowd. It highlights your unique strengths, making you a more appealing candidate.

Ease of Review: Hiring managers receive countless resumes, so an organised, easy-to-read document ensures your qualifications don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Alignment with ATS: Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. A professionally formatted resume is optimised to navigate these systems, increasing your chances of making it to the interview stage.

Investing in a professional resume ensures you confidently present your skills and experiences, making it an indispensable tool in your job search arsenal. It’s not just about securing interviews; it’s about positioning yourself for career success.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Don’t let your current resume hinder your career aspirations. Empower yourself with a resume that opens doors and unlocks opportunities. Contact Workspeak Consulting today to schedule your consultation. Your dream job is well within your reach, and we’re dedicated to guiding you there. Choose Workspeak Consulting to redefine your resume and set yourself apart in the competitive job market.

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Resume writing FAQs

What is a resume rewrite service, and why do I need it?

A resume rewrite service is a professional service that enhances your existing resume by refining its content, structure, and style to increase its effectiveness in attracting job opportunities. You may need it to ensure your resume presents your qualifications and achievements in the best possible light, increasing your chances of securing your desired job.

What information do I need to provide for the resume rewrite?

To initiate a resume rewrite, you’ll need to provide your current resume, details about your work experience, education, skills, and any specific job postings or industries you’re targeting for customisation.

What is the cost of the resume rewrite service?

The cost of the resume rewrite service is $190. We have other resume writing packages that might suit your position better depending on your career stage. 

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.