Resume Review

Ready to land your dream job? Our Resume Review service at Workspeak Consulting is your secret weapon for success. For $50, our experts will meticulously analyse every aspect of your existing resume, from content and formatting to grammar and style. With personalised feedback tailored to your goals, you’ll transform your resume into a powerful tool that impresses employers and sets you on the path to career excellence.


Review my resume

melbourne resume writing for highschool students

Why Choose Workspeak Consulting


Emma, our experienced resume expert, knows what employers are looking for in a winning resume. We stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Personalised Feedback

We understand that every job seeker is unique. Our feedback is tailored to your specific goals and industry.


For just $50, you can receive a comprehensive resume review that can significantly boost your chances of landing your dream job.

Fast Turnaround

We value your time. Our turnaround time is swift, so you can start applying for jobs with confidence sooner.

How it Works

1. Book Your Consultation

The first step is to connect with Emma, our resume expert. You can reach her by phone at 0419 500 295, drop her an email at, or simply visit our website’s convenient contact form. Emma is ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

2. Send Your Resume

After booking your consultation, the next crucial step is to send your current resume to Emma. This is where the magic begins! Emma will carefully review your resume, taking the time to thoroughly analyse its content, structure, and style to identify areas for improvement. It’s essential that she has your resume in advance to provide you with personalised feedback.

3. Resume Feedback Call

Once Emma has evaluated your CV, she will share her findings with you and provide tailored recommendations during your 20-minute video conference call. This call is your opportunity to gain valuable insights into how to make your resume shine. Emma will address your questions and concerns during this session. Plus, if you find the call so beneficial that you want to dive deeper, you can easily book a follow-up call.

Additional Services

Resume Writing

Get a professionally crafted resume that enhances your career story and boosts your job opportunities. Find the perfect package for your career stage.

       Cover Letter Writing

Receive a compelling, customised cover letter that captivate employers and leave a lasting impression, making you the top candidate for your dream job.

Linkedin Profile Writing

We’ll fine-tune your LinkedIn profile for maximum professional impact, ensuring it attracts employers, recruiters, and networking opportunities.

The cost of your resume review can be redeemed against any other career advice service should you decide to further engage Emma’s expertise. It’s a win-win scenario that ensures you receive exceptional value for your investment in your career.

Unlock Your Dream Job with a Stellar Resume Review!

Are you ready to take the next step in your career journey? Are you eager to stand out from the competition and secure your dream job? Your resume is your ticket to success, and at Workspeak Consulting, we are here to ensure it shines like a diamond!

Why Your Resume Matters

Your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and unique qualities. A well-crafted resume can be the key to unlocking doors to exciting new opportunities. Don’t let a subpar resume hold you back from reaching your full potential!

The Power of a Professional Resume Review

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand the importance of a resume that truly speaks to your capabilities. That’s why our resume critique service covers every aspect of your existing resume, including:

Ready to Elevate Your Resume?

Don’t let a mediocre resume hold you back from reaching your career aspirations. Invest in your future and schedule an evaluation of your resume with Workspeak Consulting. Our experts are committed to helping you craft a top rate resume that will open doors to exciting opportunities.

📞 Contact us today to schedule your professional Resume Review! Your dream job is waiting, and we’re here to help you seize it! 

Resume Review FAQs

What are the most important elements to include in a resume?

The most important elements to include in a resume are a clear and concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and work experience, followed by a well-structured list of relevant accomplishments and education. Additionally, providing contact information and keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for can significantly enhance your resume’s effectiveness.

Are there any best practices for formatting a resume?

Yes, some best practices for formatting a resume include using a clean and organised layout, choosing a professional font, maintaining consistency in formatting (such as bullet points and headings), and keeping it concise and easy to skim for relevant information.

What are some common mistakes people make when drafting a resume?

Common resume mistakes include including irrelevant information, using a generic template, failing to quantify achievements, neglecting to proofread for errors, and omitting contact information or key skills. Additionally, not tailoring the resume to the specific job or industry can hinder its effectiveness.

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.