First job resume writing service

Are you a student seeking part-time or casual work, or a high school graduate ready to embark on your first job after school? Perhaps you are worried about your lack of work experience and unsure how to craft a winning resume? At Workspeak Consulting, we specialise in empowering young talents like you with a bespoke first job resume that highlights your achievements and transferable skills, opening doors to exciting opportunities.


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melbourne resume writing for highschool students

Why Choose Workspeak Consulting's First Resume Writing Service?

Experts in Crafting First Job Resumes

We specialise in helping young talents kickstart their careers. Our skilled resume writers understand the specific needs of students and recent graduates, enabling us to create resumes that highlight your potential and transferable skills effectively.

Personalised Approach

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all templates. Our first job resume service is tailored to your unique strengths and accomplishments. We take the time to get to know you through our confidential 30-minute phone consultation, ensuring your resume reflects your personality and potential.

Guidance for Articulating Little to No Experience

We understand that starting your career journey with limited work experience can be daunting. That’s why we offer guidance on how to articulate your resume, helping you confidently express your unique talents and passion for the role.

Proven Track Record

Workspeak Consulting has successfully assisted numerous students and recent graduates in securing their first jobs. Our track record of success speaks for itself, and we take pride in being a driving force behind countless career success stories.

How it works

1. Consultation

Once you’re ready to proceed, we’ll schedule a private and confidential 30-minute phone consultation with Emma, our expert consultant. This consultation is an essential part of our process as it allows us to get to know you better, understand your career goals, achievements, and aspirations. We’ll discuss your educational background, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and any other relevant experiences to highlight your transferable skills.

2. Crafting Your Bespoke Resume

With the insights gained from the consultation, we’ll meticulously craft a bespoke first job resume that aligns with your unique strengths and aspirations. Our focus will be on showcasing your achievements and transferable skills, demonstrating to potential employers that you’re the ideal candidate, even without substantial work experience.

3. Review and Edit

Once the initial draft of your resume is complete, we’ll share it with you for review. This is where you get to provide feedback and suggestions. Our commitment to your satisfaction means you have up to two rounds of edits to ensure your resume is a perfect reflection of your potential and personality.

4. Learning How to Articulate Your Resume

We understand that presenting your achievements and skills effectively during interviews can be challenging. As part of our service, we offer guidance on how to articulate your resume when you have little to no experience. Our expert tips and techniques will help you confidently express your abilities and passion during interviews.

5. Resume Delivery

You will get a refined and professional resume that represents your distinctive qualities and presents you as the perfect candidate for the positions you desire, all delivered within the agreed-upon time period.

Optional Supporting Resume Services

Cover Letter Add-On ($90)

We will craft a compelling cover letter that complements your resume and expresses your enthusiasm for the position.

LinkedIn Profile Optimisation ($220)

Boost your online presence with a professionally optimised LinkedIn profile, making you more visible to recruiters and potential employers.

Interview Coaching ($190)

Gain the skills and confidence to talk about your qualifications and experiences. Excel in job interviews with our expert interview coaching.

Your Unique Talents: Unveiling the Hidden Gems

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand that work experience is just one aspect of what makes you an exceptional candidate. We know how to uncover your hidden gems and showcase them effectively on your resume. We’ll delve into various aspects of your life, such as:

  1. Volunteering Experience: Have you been involved in community service or volunteering? These experiences can demonstrate your commitment, empathy, and initiative. We’ll highlight these valuable contributions, which can set you apart from other candidates.
  2. Leadership Examples: Leadership is not limited to formal roles; it can be displayed in various situations. Whether you led a school project, organised events, or took charge of a team, we’ll showcase your leadership potential to potential employers.
  3. Academic Achievements and Qualifications: Your academic achievements, certifications, and qualifications are a testament to your dedication and skills. We’ll strategically present these accomplishments to strengthen your resume.

Crafting a Compelling First Job Resume

With a deep understanding of your unique talents and experiences, we’ll craft a compelling first job resume that tells your story. We know how to articulate your transferable skills, passion, and potential, even without extensive work experience. Your resume will be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, with the objective of making you stand out to recruiters and employers.

Confidence in Interviews

Our guidance doesn’t end with the resume. We’ll equip you with the confidence and skills to excel in job interviews. By understanding your resume’s strengths, you’ll be able to articulate your potential with conviction, leaving a lasting impression on interviewers.

Your Journey to Success Begins Now

At Workspeak Consulting, we believe that every young talent deserves the opportunity to shine. Your first job is a stepping stone to a bright future, and we’re here to ensure you take that step with confidence.

Get Started Today!

Contact Workspeak Consulting with your contact information, and let’s embark on this journey together. Discover your unique talents, overcome the challenges of limited work experience, and unlock your hidden potential. With our expert guidance and a compelling first job resume, your dream job awaits!


What is the cost of our first job resume writing service?

Our first job resume writing service is affordably priced at $60, making it accessible for students and recent graduates ready to kickstart their careers.

What makes our first job resume writing service stand out?

At Workspeak Consulting, our first job resume writing service stands out because we are dedicated to empowering young talents with limited work experience. We understand the unique challenges faced by students and recent graduates, and we have the expertise to craft resumes that highlight their potential, achievements, and transferable skills. Our personalised approach, attention to detail, and commitment to client satisfaction set us apart, making us the ideal choice for young job seekers looking to launch their careers with confidence.

How do we customise each resume?

We believe that every job seeker is unique, and so should be their resume. When customising each resume, we schedule a confidential 30-minute phone consultation with the client to gain a deep understanding of their aspirations, achievements, and strengths. We delve into their volunteer work, leadership experiences, academic achievements, and any other relevant qualifications. This personalised approach allows us to tailor the resume to showcase the candidate’s unique talents, making them stand out in the job market.

What is included in our first job resume writing service?

Our first job resume writing service includes a comprehensive package to help job seekers create a compelling resume that impresses employers:

Confidential 30-minute Phone Consultation: We schedule a private call with one of our expert consultants to understand the client’s career goals and unique strengths.

Bespoke Resume with up to Two Rounds of Edits: We create a personalised resume that highlights the client’s achievements, volunteer work, leadership experiences, and transferable skills. The client has the opportunity to provide feedback and revisions for up to two rounds.

Guidance on Articulating Little to No Experience: We offer valuable tips and techniques to help clients confidently express their potential and passion, even with limited work experience.

How long does it take to complete a first job resume writing project?

The turnaround time for our first job resume writing service is generally around 3 to 5 business days. We work efficiently to ensure that our clients receive their resumes promptly while maintaining the highest quality.

How can you contact us to discuss your first job resume writing needs?

To discuss your first job resume writing needs, you can visit our website and fill out our contact form. Alternatively, you can reach out to our friendly customer support team through email or phone, and they will guide you through the process.

How can I make my first job resume stand out from other applicants?

Making your first job resume stand out from other applicants can seem challenging, but with the right strategies and a little bit of effort, you can make a great impression on potential employers. Here are some tips to help you craft a standout resume:

  1. Highlight your education and relevant coursework: Since you might not have much work experience, focusing on your education can help showcase your knowledge and skills. Include any honours, awards, or relevant coursework that you have completed.
  2. Showcase your extracurricular activities: If you have participated in any extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports teams, or community service, be sure to include them on your resume. These activities demonstrate your teamwork, leadership, and time management skills.
  3. Emphasise your transferable skills: Even if you don’t have specific job experience, you likely have developed valuable skills through volunteer work, internships, or even school projects. Identify skills such as communication, problem-solving, organisation, and adaptability, and highlight them on your resume.
  4. Include any part-time or summer jobs: If you have held any part-time or summer jobs, like babysitting, be sure to include them on your resume. Even if the jobs were not directly related to the position you are applying for, they still demonstrate your work ethic, and ability to handle responsibility.

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.