Student and graduate resume writing

Are you a student or a recent graduate on the lookout for your dream job? Are you tired of sending out resumes that don’t seem to get the attention they deserve? Workspeak Consulting is here to boost your chances of landing that perfect job!


Create a standout graduate resume

melbourne resume writing for highschool students

Why Choose Our Resume Writing Service?

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand the challenges that students and college graduates face when trying to make their mark in the job market. Our mission is to help you stand out from the crowd and present yourself as the ideal candidate to potential employers. Here’s why our service is the right choice for you:

Personalised Approach

We believe in tailoring each resume to highlight your unique skills, experiences, and aspirations. Our one-on-one confidential 1-hour consultation with you allows us to understand your career goals and present them effectively on paper.

Top-Notch Resumes

We are well-versed in crafting compelling resumes that make a lasting impression. We know what hiring managers are looking for, and we’ll ensure your resume showcases your strengths in the best light.

Unlimited Potential

With our bespoke resume service, you get a resume that is customised to your specific needs and requirements. You’ll receive up to two rounds of edits to make sure every detail is perfect and aligns with your career objectives.

Professional Presentation

Your resume will be delivered in both PDF and editable Word formats, so you can easily tailor it for each job application. We’ll make sure your resume is visually appealing, error-free, and presents a consistent professional image.

Affordable Excellence

All these incredible services are available at the highly competitive price of just $150. We understand the financial constraints of job seekers, so we offer top-quality resumes without breaking the bank.

How It Works

1. Consultation

Book your confidential 1-hour consultation with our expert resume writer, Emma. During this session, you’ll discuss your career goals, experiences, and achievements.

2. Resume Creation

Emma will meticulously craft your resume, showcasing your skills, academic accomplishments, and potential.

3. Feedback and Edits

We’ll share the first draft with you, and you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback. We’re committed to making any necessary changes to ensure your complete satisfaction.

4. Final Delivery

Once you’re happy with the result, we’ll deliver your finalised resume in PDF and editable Word formats, ready for you to use on your job applications.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Career!

Personalised Cover Letter

Add-on for $66

A well-crafted cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression on potential employers. We will create a personalised cover letter that complements your resume, highlighting your unique qualifications and expressing your enthusiasm for the position. Tailored specifically to each job application, this cover letter will showcase your motivation and make you a compelling candidate.

    Interview Preparation    

Add-on for $190

Nail your interviews with our comprehensive interview preparation service. Our experienced coaches will conduct mock interviews tailored to your target job, preparing you to confidently answer tough questions and showcase your strengths. You’ll receive valuable feedback and guidance on improving your interview skills, allowing you to enter interviews with poise and self-assurance.

LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

Add-on for $220

In today’s digital age, your online presence is as important as your resume. We will optimise your LinkedIn profile to attract recruiters and employers. We’ll ensure that your profile highlights your professional achievements, skills, and experiences in a way that aligns with your career goals. A strong LinkedIn presence can significantly increase your visibility and networking opportunities.

Overcome Your Resume Challenges and Achieve Your Career Goals!

As a student or recent college grad, you may have encountered numerous challenges when it comes to crafting a winning resume that effectively showcases your potential and aligns with your chosen career path. Workspeak Consulting understands the unique hurdles young professionals face, and we are here to guide you towards success.

The Resume Dilemma:

Creating a resume that stands out from the competition can be daunting. You might be wondering:

Emma is uniquely positioned to address all these challenges and more. Here’s how we can help you overcome them and achieve your career goals:

Demonstrating Communication and Problem-Solving Skills

We excel in translating your academic achievements and coursework into tangible skills. We know how to present your problem-solving abilities and communication skills in a way that captivates employers. Whether it’s a challenging project, coursework, or team collaboration, we’ll craft your resume to highlight these essential traits that employers seek in potential candidates.

How to Link Coursework to Your Chosen Career Path

We understand that the courses you’ve taken play a vital role in shaping your expertise and passion for your desired career. We know how to strategically link your coursework to your career objectives, proving to employers that you have the knowledge and dedication required to excel in the field.

Showcase Experience Without Work Experience

If you’re worried about your limited work experience, fear not! We will emphasise your academic accomplishments, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities to showcase your potential and commitment. We’ll help you bridge the gap between your academic journey and the professional world, making sure your resume highlights the transferable skills that matter most.

Your Success, Our Priority

Your success is our utmost priority. We believe that every student and recent graduate deserves the opportunity to pursue their dream career. Our personalised approach, tailored consultations, and in-depth understanding of the job market will help you create a resume that captures your unique essence and potential.

Your Future Awaits

Don’t let resume challenges hold you back from the career of your dreams. Invest in our expertise and let your resume shine among the rest. With our help, you can confidently apply for jobs, knowing that you’ve presented the best version of yourself to potential employers.

Take the First Step Today

Contact Emma to schedule your confidential consultation. Let’s discuss your aspirations, experiences, and coursework, and begin developing a resume that opens doors to your bright future. Remember, with Workspeak Consulting by your side, you’ll step into the professional world with confidence, ready to conquer new horizons!

Graduate Resume Writing FAQs

What is the cost of your graduate resume writing services?

Our graduate resume writing service package, which includes the initial consultation, bespoke resume, and up to two rounds of edits, is priced at $150.

What resume writing services do you offer?

At Workspeak Consulting, we offer a comprehensive package that includes the following:

  • Personalised (30-60 minute) consultation to understand your career goals and aspirations.
  • A bespoke resume tailored to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and accomplishments.
  • Up to two rounds of edits to ensure your resume is perfect.
  • Final delivery of your resume in both PDF and editable Word format.

In addition to our student and graduate resume writing service, we provide optional add-on services that include a Personalised Cover Letter, Interview Preparation, as well as LinkedIn Profile Optimisation.

How can I benefit from using your resume writing services?

Using our resume writing services can provide you with numerous benefits:

  1. Stand Out from the Competition: We know how to highlight your strengths and make your resume stand out, ensuring you catch the attention of potential employers.
  2. Tailored to Your Goals: We take the time to understand your career goals and aspirations, customising your resume to align with the specific job you’re applying for.
  3. Professional Presentation: Your resume will be professionally formatted and error-free, presenting a polished image to employers.
  4. Save Time and Effort: Crafting a compelling resume can be time-consuming and challenging. Let us handle it while you focus on other aspects of your active job search.
  5. Boost Confidence: With a well-crafted resume in hand, you’ll feel more confident and prepared for job applications and interviews.

How long will it take to complete my resume with your resume writing services?

The turnaround time for the first draft of your resume is 5-7 business days from your consultation. After you provide feedback you will receive the final documents within 2 business days. Two revisions are included in the initial cost, any additional revisions will incur a fee.

Are your resume writing services tailored to my individual needs?

Absolutely! We take great pride in providing personalised resume writing services. During the 1-hour consultation, we’ll delve into your career aspirations, experiences, and skills. This information allows us to create a tailored resume that aligns with your individual needs and career goals.

What format do you use for your resume writing services?

We deliver your finalised resume in two formats for your convenience:

PDF Format: The PDF format ensures that your resume maintains its formatting and looks professional when viewed and printed.

Editable Word Format: The Word format allows you to make future updates to your resume easily, tailoring it for each job application as needed.

If you have any more questions or are ready to take the next step, feel free to contact Emma. We look forward to helping you unlock the door to your dream career!

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.