Resume writing for experienced and skilled workers

Are you an experienced professional with over 4 years of industry expertise, seeking a transformative career change? Are you ready to take your career to new heights and land that dream job you’ve always wanted? Workspeak Consulting is here to partner with you on your journey to success.


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graduate resume writing

Why Choose Our Resume Writing Service?

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand that your resume is not just a piece of paper; it’s your key to unlocking new opportunities and showcasing your unique value in the job market. We are a leading resume writing service with a track record of success in empowering experienced professionals like you to make significant career advancements.

Experience Matters

With years of industry experience ourselves, we know what hiring managers and recruiters look for in a standout resume. We have successfully served hundreds of clients across various industries, from IT and finance to healthcare and engineering. Our expertise in tailoring resumes for skilled workers sets us apart, ensuring your resume will make a strong impact.

Unleash Your Potential

Our skilled writers excel at transforming your experiences into compelling stories. We highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications, presenting them in a way that demonstrates the value you bring to future employers. Our goal is to showcase your potential and help you stand out in a competitive job market.

Attention to Detail

We believe that every word matters. That’s why we pay meticulous attention to every detail, ensuring that your resume is error-free and professionally formatted. We offer up to two rounds of edits to make sure your resume perfectly aligns with your vision and goals.

Delivering Excellence

Your success is our success. We take immense pride in delivering top-notch resumes that have helped countless professionals land their dream jobs. Our commitment to excellence has earned us the trust and loyalty of our clients, making us their go-to resume writing service.

Affordable Investment

We understand the value of your hard-earned money. Our experienced professional resume package, priced at $380, offers an unmatched value. With our service, you’re not just getting a resume; you’re investing in your future and career growth.

How it Works

1. Confidential Consultation

During the consultation, which lasts approximately one hour, we will have a one-on-one discussion to get to know you better. We will ask you questions about your career history, accomplishments, skills, and career goals. This consultation is entirely confidential, and the information shared will be used exclusively for crafting your personalised resume.

2. Resume Writing Process

Based on the insights gained from the consultation, our team of skilled resume writers will start crafting your bespoke resume. We understand the unique requirements of experienced professionals, and we tailor your resume to effectively showcase your expertise and achievements in the most compelling way.

3. Review and Edits

Once the initial draft is complete, we will share it with you for review. We offer up to two rounds of edits to make sure your resume reflects your unique qualities and accomplishments accurately. We will incorporate your feedback, make necessary adjustments, and fine-tune the resume to perfection.

4. Final Resume Delivery

After incorporating all the edits and refinements, we will provide you with the final version of your resume. We deliver it in both PDF and editable Word formats, giving you the flexibility to tailor it for different job applications.

Additional Career Services

Cover Letter Add-On $43

Crafting a compelling cover letter is essential in today’s competitive job market. We create personalised cover letters that align with the job you’re applying for. Our expert writers highlight your skills, achievements, and motivation, making you the ideal candidate for the role.

LinkedIn Profile Optimisation $220

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital brand. Our optimisation service strategically incorporates relevant keywords to increase your visibility to recruiters. We create a captivating headline, a powerful summary, and showcase your experience and skills to attract employers.

Interview Coaching  $190

Acing interviews is crucial. Our experienced coaches conduct mock interviews, providing tailored feedback and confidence-building strategies. We equip you with effective ways to answer tough questions with confidence and conviction, giving you the edge during real interviews.

Unleash Your Full Potential and Land the Perfect Job

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand the importance of presenting your career in the best light possible. Our expert resume writers are masters at crafting tailored resumes that showcase your professional journey with precision. We delve deep into your experiences, positions held, responsibilities undertaken, education and notable achievements. By capturing these crucial details, we create resumes that highlight your unique abilities and strengths.

Quantify Your Experience for Impact

We believe that quantifying your experience is the key to demonstrating your true abilities to potential employers. Workspeak Consulting excels at transforming your achievements and continuous learning into quantifiable metrics. This approach allows hiring managers to see the tangible impact you’ve made in your previous roles, setting you apart as an exceptional candidate.

Adapt and Stand Out

Customising your resume for each job application is vital in today’s competitive job market. Workspeak Consulting understands the intricacies of tailoring your resume to match the specific requirements of each role. We fine-tune your resume to align perfectly with the expectations of potential employers, making it stand out and capture their attention.

A Path to Success

Our ultimate goal at Workspeak Consulting is to pave the path to your career success. We go beyond crafting stellar resumes – we empower you with a comprehensive toolkit. From highlighting your qualifications to showcasing your professional development, we ensure every aspect of your expertise shines through.

Unlock the Door to a Fulfilling Career

The outcome you seek – a better job at a company that challenges you and offers favourable remuneration – is within reach. Workspeak Consulting is here to be your guiding force in this journey. Armed with a powerful resume that accurately describes your experiences, you’ll be well-equipped to impress employers and land the job you’ve been dreaming of.

Your Success is Our Reward

Your success is what drives us. Witnessing our clients achieve their career goals and unlock their full potential is the most rewarding part of our work. At Workspeak Consulting, we pour our passion and expertise into every project, ensuring you have the best possible chance at securing a fulfilling and prosperous career.

Let Workspeak Consulting Transform Your Future

Don’t let resume challenges hold you back any longer. With Workspeak Consulting as your trusted guide, you’ll have the tools, support, and expertise to take your career to new heights. Unleash your full potential and unlock a future filled with exciting opportunities. Trust Workspeak Consulting to be by your side, paving the way to your success. Embrace the journey today and watch as your dream job becomes a reality.

Contact us today

Resume writing FAQs

What is the cost of your professional worker resume writing service?

Our professional worker resume writing service is priced at $380. We believe in offering exceptional value for the comprehensive support we provide to our clients. With Workspeak Consulting, you get expertly crafted resumes at a competitive and transparent price.

What makes your skilled worker resume writing service stand out?

Our skilled worker resume writing service stands out due to its personalised approach and industry-specific expertise. We understand that each skilled worker has unique skills and experiences. Our team of expert resume writers crafts tailored resumes that effectively showcase your abilities and accomplishments. Whether you’re in construction, healthcare, engineering, or any other skilled trade, we know how to present your skills in a way that resonates with potential employers in your industry.

How do you customise each resume?

Customisation is at the core of our service. We start by conducting a comprehensive one-on-one consultation with you to understand your career history, achievements, and aspirations. Based on this valuable information, we tailor your resume to highlight your specific qualifications and experiences that align with the job you’re applying for. We emphasise relevant skills, achievements, and qualifications to create a resume that makes you stand out as the perfect fit for the desired position.

What is included in your resume writing service?

Our experienced professional resume writing service includes the following key components:

  • A confidential one-hour consultation to delve into your career history and accomplishments.
  • Crafting a personalised and impactful resume that showcases your expertise and achievements.
  • Up to two rounds of edits to ensure your resume meets your preferences and is flawless.
  • Delivery of the final resume in both PDF and editable Word formats for your convenience.

How long does it typically take to complete a resume writing project?

Typically, our efficient process allows us to complete most resume writing projects within 3 to 5 business days. Our priority is to deliver high-quality resumes in a timely manner, ensuring you can proceed with your job search promptly.

How do I contact you to discuss my resume writing needs?

To discuss your resume writing needs and explore how we can help you achieve your career goals, you can reach out to us through our website contact form or use the contact information provided on our service page. We welcome inquiries and look forward to being your partner in shaping a standout resume.

How can I tailor a resume for a specific job application?

Tailoring a resume for a specific job application involves customising your resume to closely align with the requirements of the targeted position. An experienced professional can achieve this by:

  • Including examples of relevant skills and experiences that match the job description.
  • Tailoring the objective or summary to reflect the specific role and company.
  • Using keywords from the job posting to optimise the resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • Quantifying achievements and highlighting accomplishments that are directly applicable to the targeted job.
  • Customising the order of job experiences to prioritise relevant roles and accomplishments.

By customising the sections of your resume in these ways, an experienced professional can demonstrate a strong alignment between their qualifications and the specific job they are applying for, increasing their chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.