Executive Resume Writing Service

Are you an accomplished executive seeking the next big opportunity to conquer in your career? Your journey to success begins here, at Workspeak Consulting – where your exceptional skills and accomplishments are transformed into a powerful narrative that captivates the attention of top recruiters and employers.


Create a standout resume

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Why Choose Workspeak Consulting's Executive Resume Writing Service?

Empowering Your Executive Journey

At Workspeak Consulting, we understand the significance of an executive-level resume that conveys your unparalleled achievements and strategic mindset. Our service is exclusively designed for senior managers and above, who have operated at that level for five years or more, seeking executive positions that require exceptional expertise and experience.

Elevate Your Executive Branding

As a seasoned business leader, you understand the significance of a strong personal brand. Our Executive Resume Writing Service is dedicated to positioning you as an influential thought leader and valuable asset in your industry. We craft resumes that powerfully communicate your unique value proposition, showcasing your skills, achievements, and potential.

Tailored Excellence for Your Success

We offer a confidential one-hour consultation to delve into your career trajectory, accomplishments, and aspirations. This personalised approach ensures that your resume reflects your true essence and highlights your leadership, strategic prowess, accountability, and remarkable achievements.

Bespoke Resumes for the Discerning Leader

Our resume crafting process is nothing short of an art form. Emma meticulously develops a bespoke CV that is designed to impress recruiters and decision-makers alike. You’ll receive a draft with the opportunity for up to two rounds of edits to guarantee that your resume is perfect in every detail.

Premium Deliverables

Your final resume will be professionally delivered in both PDF and editable Word formats, empowering you to make future adjustments and updates with ease.

How it Works

1. Consultation

Your journey with Workspeak Consulting starts with a detailed one-on-one consultation with Emma. This conversation allows us to understand your career objectives, your accomplishments at various companies across your career, and unique strengths.

2. Customised Resume Development

Based on the insights from the consultation, Emma crafts a personalised executive resume that showcases your expertise, leadership skills, and results-driven achievements.

3. Collaboration & Feedback

We value your input throughout the process. Emma collaborates with you to ensure your satisfaction and incorporates your feedback to create a flawless final resume.

4. Keyword Optimisation

We conduct extensive research to identify the most relevant keywords for your industry and strategically places them in your resume to improve ATS compatibility.

5. Final Delivery

Within the agreed-upon timeframe, you will receive a polished and professional executive resume that embodies your unique value and positions you as the ideal candidate for the roles you seek.

Resume writing services

Cover Letter Enhancement

Add-on for $30

We will craft a captivating cover letter that complements your executive resume, showcasing your exceptional talents and unwavering commitment to excellence.                                                                     

          Interview Coaching          

Add-on for $190

Interviews for executive positions demand confident and polished communication. Our interview coaching service equips you with the skills to ace any interview, leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

Add-on for $220

In the digital era, your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for networking and career advancement. Let us optimise your profile, ensuring it showcases your executive brand and increases your visibility among top recruiters.

Unearth Your Executive Brilliance with Expert Guidance

Your career journey has been defined by extraordinary accomplishments, but weaving them into a cohesive and captivating resume is an art in itself. Workspeak Consulting is led by Emma, a seasoned expert in storytelling, who excels at unravelling your most significant achievements and presenting them with precision and impact. Emma’s guidance ensures that your resume exudes the leadership and strategic value you bring to the table, making you an irresistible candidate for top employers.

A Comprehensive Approach

At Workspeak Consulting, we believe that no accomplishment should be left unnoticed. Our in-depth consultation process allows us to delve into the core of your executive career, exploring every success, whether in people management, leading change, driving commercial results, or exhibiting strategic vision. These pivotal achievements are meticulously woven into your executive resume, forming a compelling narrative that captivates recruiters and decision-makers.

The Power of an Executive Resume

A resume tailored by Workspeak Consulting has the potential to transform your career trajectory in multiple ways:

Secure Interviews – Our executive resumes are expertly crafted to highlight your unique skill set and leadership prowess, grabbing the attention of top employers and leading to coveted interview opportunities.

Negotiate Salary Increases – Your resume serves as a powerful tool in showcasing your value to organisations, increasing your chances of negotiating higher salaries and comprehensive compensation packages.

Unlock Promotions – Demonstrating your executive achievements and strategic vision on paper positions you as a candidate ready for bigger and better roles, paving the way for well-deserved promotions.

Invest in Your Future Today

Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead by investing in Workspeak Consulting’s Executive Resume Writing Service. We understand the demands on your time and the significance of crafting a resume that reflects your executive brilliance. Allow Emma to transform your career narrative into a compelling and persuasive document that opens doors to unparalleled success.

Seize the future you deserve with Workspeak Consulting. Contact us today to for help securing success during your executive job search.

Resume writing FAQs

What is the cost of your Executive Resume Writing Service?

Our Executive Resume Writing Service is priced at just $510, a valuable investment in your executive future that aligns with the unparalleled quality and expertise we provide.

What is included in your Executive Resume Writing Service?

Our Executive Resume Writing Service, priced at just $510, includes the following:

Confidential 1-Hour Consultation: One-on-one consultation with Emma to discuss your executive career trajectory and achievements.

In-Depth Bespoke Resume: A meticulously crafted executive resume that showcases your leadership, strategic vision, and accomplishments.

Up to 2 Rounds of Edits: The opportunity to review and provide feedback on the initial draft to ensure a flawless final resume.

Final Resume Delivered: Professionally delivered in PDF and editable Word formats for your convenience.

What services do you offer for Executives?

At Workspeak Consulting, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored exclusively for executives seeking to propel their careers to new heights. Our career services include:

Executive Resume Writing: Crafted by our expert resume strategist, Emma, our executive resumes highlight your leadership, achievements, and strategic vision to position you as the ideal candidate for top-level roles.

Cover Letter Enhancement: Complement your executive resume with a captivating cover letter that emphasises your unique value proposition and sets you apart from other candidates.

LinkedIn Profile Optimisation: Maximise your online presence with an optimised LinkedIn profile that showcases your executive brand, fostering connections and career opportunities.

Interview Coaching: Equip yourself with the skills and confidence to excel in executive interviews, leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

What makes your Executive Resume Writing Service stand out?

Our executive resume writing service stands out for several reasons:

Personalised Approach: We take the time to understand your unique career journey, accomplishments, and aspirations, allowing us to craft a bespoke executive resume that reflects your brilliance.

Expert Resume Strategist: Emma, our seasoned resume guru, possesses unparalleled expertise in executive resume crafting, ensuring that your resume truly showcases your leadership and strategic prowess.

Comprehensive Storytelling: We skillfully weave together your achievements in people management, leading change, commercial results, strategic vision, and problem-solving into a compelling narrative that impresses recruiters.

How do you customise each Executive resume?

We customise each executive resume through a personalised and thorough consultation process. Emma conducts a confidential one-hour consultation to understand your career trajectory, achievements, and goals. This in-depth insight enables us to tailor your executive resume to highlight the specific skills, leadership qualities, and accomplishments that align with your targeted roles and industries.

How long does it typically take to complete an Executive resume writing project?

The turnaround time for the first draft of your resume is 5-7 business days from your consultation. After you provide feedback you will receive the final documents within 2 business days. Two revisions are included in the initial cost, any additional revisions will incur a fee.

How do I contact you to discuss my Executive resume writing needs?

Contacting us is simple! Reach out to us through our website at www.workspeakconsulting.com/contact or email us at info@workspeakconsulting.com.au to schedule your confidential one-on-one consultation with Emma. Discover how Workspeak Consulting can unlock your executive potential and propel your career to new heights.

Take charge of your executive journey today with Workspeak Consulting’s Executive Resume Writing Service.

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.