Interview coaching

We understand that interviews can be nerve-wracking and intimidating. That’s why our interview coaches are here to empower you, boost your confidence, and equip you with the skills you need to excel in any interview situation. Our mission is simple: to help you shine brightly in every job interview.


Get started today

Why Workspeak Consulting is Your Best Choice For Interview Training

Proven Track Record: Our interview coaches have helped countless job seekers like you ace their interviews and secure their desired positions.

Customised Approach: We understand that every job seeker is unique. Our coaching is tailored to your specific strengths, weaknesses, and goals.

Confidence Boost: Our proven techniques and strategies will help you build the confidence you need to excel in interviews.

Current Industry Knowledge: We stay up-to-date with the latest interview trends and industry insights to provide you with the most relevant guidance.

Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible coaching sessions to accommodate your busy schedule.

How does it work?

1. Contact us

Fill out the contact form, email or call us to set up an interview coaching session. Emma has many years of experience in interviewing candidates, providing feedback and coaching throughout the job search process, resume writing and cover letter writing. Workspeak Consulting engages with all industries and levels of experience, so don’t hesitate to contact us today to find out which service is best for you. We will get back to you within 2 business days to organise a confidential consultation.

2. Preparation for your coaching session

To prepare for your meeting with us, please let us know before the consultation which job you are applying for and if you do have an upcoming interview. That way, we can tailor your consultation accordingly.

Do you have feedback from other interviews you have been involved in? Send this to us so we can get a feel for your strengths, weaknesses and where you can best improve!

3. Your Interview Coaching Session

This can be either over the phone, online via MS Teams/Zoom, or in person at our Melbourne, Bayside based office. Interview coaching sessions last 1 hour, however if needed you can book in multiple sessions or increase your session to 90 or 120 minutes.

4. Documents and support

After your session, we will supply you with a Quick Reference Guide. This will include; written feedback, possible interview questions, body language tips, calming techniques and practice tips. If you need follow up sessions, feel free to contact us again.

Who is Interview Coaching For?

Interview coaching is for anyone who finds themselves dreading interviews, whether they are seasoned professionals, individuals returning to the job market after a break (such as maternity or paternity leave), those transitioning to a new career, or those who have been with the same company for an extended period and need to re-enter the competitive interview arena. Our services are designed to cater to a wide range of needs and experiences.

What Can You Gain from Interview Coaching?

At Workspeak Consulting, we believe that everyone has the potential to excel in interviews with the right guidance and support. Here’s what you can gain from our interview coaching:

Confidence: We’ll help you build the confidence you need to face interviews with self-assurance, regardless of your background or past interview experiences.

Interview Mastery: Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned professional, we’ll sharpen your interview skills, ensuring you stand out as a top candidate.

Effective Communication: We’ll work on enhancing your communication skills, making sure your responses are clear, concise, and tailored to the position you’re seeking.

Storytelling Excellence: We’ll teach you how to craft compelling narratives from your experiences, making your qualifications memorable and engaging for interviewers.

Overcoming Nervousness: If you get nervous during interviews, we’ll provide techniques and practices to manage anxiety and project confidence throughout the interview process.

Rapport Building: We’ll show you how to connect with interviewers on a personal level, making your interviews not only informative but also enjoyable for both parties.

Soft Skills Highlighting: For those transitioning careers or returning from a break, we’ll emphasise the importance of soft skills like adaptability and teamwork, helping you showcase your transferable competencies.

Tough Question Handling: We’ll equip you with the skills to address challenging questions with grace and authenticity, a crucial asset in today’s competitive job market.

Feedback and Improvement: Our detailed feedback and ongoing support will ensure that you continuously refine your interview skills and achieve your career goals.

Our Interview Coaching Services

Personalised Interview Preparation

Tailored interview coaching sessions to meet your unique needs and challenges.

Mock interviews that simulate real-life scenarios to boost your confidence and provide targeted feedback.

Confidence Building

Overcome anxiety and nervousness with expert guidance and strategies.

Learn techniques to project confidence and poise throughout the interview.

Masterful Communication

Hone your verbal and non-verbal communication skills to impress any interviewer.

Craft compelling answers to common and tough interview questions.

Interview Strategy

Develop a winning interview strategy that showcases your strengths and experience.

Learn how to effectively research companies and tailor your responses to their needs.

Post-Interview Follow-up

Guidance on sending thank-you notes and post-interview etiquette.

Techniques for evaluating job offers and making informed decisions.

Interview Coaching Package

Interview Coaching Package

Through a combination of theory, role play and discussion, we will give you the tools and knowledge to enable you to present the best version of yourself in interview settings.

1 hour consultation


What’s Included?

Confidential 1 hour coaching session with us in person or online via MS Teams/Zoom

Discuss your interview concerns and how to overcome them

Techniques to remain calm and focused and to handle an interview with confidence

Create relevant practice interview questions to master

Coach you through how to answer different types of questions i.e. behavioural based questions

Conduct mock interview

Give guidance on how best to research the role and company to which you are applying

Provide an understanding of what the interviewer is looking for

How to approach an online video interview – can be quite different to in person!

Tips on body language and dress

Interview Coaching FAQs

Who will benefit from using an interview coach?

Interview coaching can be beneficial to any job seeker! We focus on students/graduates, experienced professionals and executives looking for a career change or that next promotion, individuals looking to return to the workforce after a break (i.e. career break, paternity leave), those who have not had an interview in many years and those new to the job market in Australia who are not familiar with how our hiring processes work.

Practice makes perfect, so even the most seasoned interviewee can most definitely benefit from some tips and practice run-throughs, to ensure a well oiled interview when the time is needed!

I live in Melbourne, can I meet with Emma in person?

Yes, you can meet Emma in person. Emma lives in the City of Bayside, Melbourne. She is happy to meet you in person in the Bayside area, or online via MS Teams/Zoom. If meeting in person she will hire a meeting space, so a small deposit of $50 for the consultation is required.

How should I prepare for the interview coaching consultation?

We tailor the interview coaching session to your individual needs. It is important to let her know your strengths and weaknesses before you meet as well as any areas of concern you would like us to focus on.

Let us know the industry you are applying for, along with the job description of any upcoming interviews. If you have any feedback from other interviews, please send this to us too.

What do I need to bring to the interview coaching session?

Bring along an open mind – the best way to learn is to approach each consultation with an open mind and a new perspective. We will give you honest feedback on what might have been holding you back in the past, and offer constructive solutions to enhance your chances of securing your next role.

Can I book more than one interview coaching consultation?

Yes, book into one consultation first, see how you go. But as they say – practice makes perfect. So if you want to practise those interview coaching techniques feel free to book in more consultations. Or if you are going for a different role you might need extra coaching from Workspeak Consulting to gain the confidence and knowledge in this area.


How can I pay you and book in for an interview coaching consultation?

Once a consultation is confirmed, we will send a tax invoice to you, which can be paid via bank transfer. If meeting up in the Bayside office, a small deposit of $50 will be required first before meeting. Payment is required before the coaching session can commence.

Please note that the cost of consultations can be claimed at tax time as mentoring/coaching for clients with an ABN.

What industries does Emma have interview experience in?

We have extensive experience in interviewing in corporate environments. We have had experience in pretty much all corporate or “head office” type functions, from finance to marketing and communications, procurement to strategy and sales. We have worked in various industries, such as telecommunications, professional services and recruitment agencies. We have a vast knowledge of how the hiring process works in a large range of professional settings.

Other services Workspeak Consulting can help you with:

Workspeak Consulting

Hampton VIC 3188
0419 500 295

Mon – Fri

9am – 5pm

To book in with Emma for the above services, or to find out more, get in touch.