Picture This: The Dos and Donts of Adding a Resume Photo

When it comes to creating a powerful resume, every detail matters. From the layout and design to the choice of words, everything contributes to creating a strong first impression. One aspect that often sparks a debate among job seekers is whether or not to include a resume photo. In this article, we will explore the dos and donts of adding a resume photo and provide you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

The Role of a Photo on Your Resume

The purpose of including a resume picture is to provide potential employers with a visual representation of the candidate. A well-chosen and professional resume photo can convey a sense of professionalism, confidence, and personal branding. One of the benefits of including a photo is that it can create a memorable first impression and help you stand out from the competition. A photo can also add a personal touch to the resume, allowing employers to connect a face with the qualifications and experience listed.

However, it’s important to consider the drawbacks as well. One drawback is the potential for bias or discrimination based on appearance. Including a photo may inadvertently lead to subconscious judgments and prejudices, hindering equal opportunities. Moreover, adding a photo can sometimes detract from the focus on qualifications and skills, as employers may form opinions based on appearance rather than merit.

The Dos of Adding a Resume Photo

Do: Consider Cultural Expectations

One of the first things to consider when adding a resume photo is the cultural expectations of the country or region where you are applying for a job. In some countries, such as Germany and France, including a professional headshot is common practice and even expected. Research the norms and conventions of the specific region to ensure you align with the local customs.

Do: Size and Position Matters

When including a photo, it is generally recommended to position it in the top-right corner of the resume. Placing the photo in this location allows it to catch the attention of the reader without overshadowing the other important sections of the document. It is important to ensure that the photo is appropriately sized. For example, a general rule of thumb is to keep your photo the same size as a passport photograph.

Do: Choose a Professional Photographer

If you decide to add a photo, it’s advisable to invest in a professional photographer. A professional will know how to capture your best angles, use proper lighting, and create a good, high-quality image that enhances your overall presentation. Remember, your resume photo should exude professionalism and competence.

Do: Dress Professionally

When having your resume photo taken, make sure to dress professionally as you would for a job interview. Opt for a business attire that aligns with the industry you are applying to. Dressing professionally not only adds credibility to your image but also demonstrates your understanding of workplace standards.

Do: Maintain a Neutral Expression

It’s essential to maintain a neutral and friendly expression in your resume photo. Avoid extremes such as a stern or overly casual expression. Aim for a relaxed and approachable demeanour that reflects your professionalism and ability to work well with others.

Do: Use a Simple Background

To keep the focus on you, it’s best to use a simple background for your photo. Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds that may divert attention away from your face. A plain background, such as a solid colour or a simple backdrop, works best as it ensures that you remain the focal point.

resume photo example

The Donts of Adding a Resume Photo

Don’t: Include Unprofessional Photos

When it comes to adding a resume photo, it’s crucial to avoid unprofessional or inappropriate photos. This includes pictures taken at social events, casual settings, or with pets or other people. Remember, your resume photo should convey a sense of professionalism and create a positive impression.

Don’t: Use Selfies or Low-Quality Images

While it may be tempting to use a selfie or a low-quality image for convenience, it’s highly discouraged. Selfies are generally perceived as unprofessional and may give the impression that you lack seriousness in your job search. Invest in a professional headshot to ensure you present yourself in the best possible light.

Don’t: Edit or Alter Your Appearance

It’s essential to present an accurate representation of yourself in your resume photo. Avoid editing or altering your appearance to an extent that it no longer reflects your true self. While minor touch-ups for blemishes or stray hairs are acceptable, significant alterations can lead to disappointment or suspicion during the interview process.

Don’t: Use Outdated Photos

Always ensure that your photo is up to date. Using an outdated photo can create confusion and misrepresentation, especially if there have been significant changes in your appearance since the picture was taken. Aim for a current photo that accurately reflects your professional image.

Don’t: Overshadow Your Qualifications

While a resume photo can enhance your overall presentation, it should never overshadow your qualifications and experience. Remember, the main focus of your resume should be on your skills, achievements, and relevant work history. Your photo should complement these aspects rather than overshadow them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Should I add a resume photo if it is not required?

If a photo is not required or customary in the industry or region you are applying to, it is generally advisable to omit it. Focus on crafting a well-written resume that highlights your qualifications and experience instead.

Can adding a photo to my resume increase my chances of getting an interview?

While there is no definitive answer, adding a professional resume photo can help create a memorable first impression. However, it’s important to remember that your qualifications and experience are the primary factors that determine your eligibility for an interview.

Are there any industries where a resume photo is mandatory?

Yes, some industries, such as modelling, acting, and customer service, may require a resume photo. It’s important to research the specific requirements of the industry you are targeting and adhere to them accordingly.

Can including a photo lead to discrimination?

In some cases, including a resume photo may lead to potential bias or discrimination. To ensure fair hiring practices, many companies have implemented policies that discourage or prohibit the inclusion of photos. Evaluate the norms of the industry and region before deciding to add a resume photo.

Should I add a resume photo if I have an online portfolio or LinkedIn profile?

If you have an online portfolio or a professional LinkedIn profile that includes a professional headshot, it may not be necessary to include a resume photo. Instead, provide links to your online presence in your resume, allowing potential employers to view your photo and additional information if they wish.

Can I add a photo if I’m applying for remote positions?

When applying for remote positions, the requirement for a resume photo may vary. In such cases, it is advisable to review the job description and follow any guidelines provided by the employer. If a resume photo is not explicitly requested, it may be best to focus on showcasing your qualifications through your written job application.


The decision of whether or not to include a photo on your CV is a nuanced one that depends on various factors, including cultural norms, industry practices, and personal preference. While a well-presented photo can enhance your professional image and make a positive impression, it is crucial to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks. Balancing the desire to stand out and showcase your professionalism with the need to avoid bias and ensure equal opportunities is essential. Ultimately, the focus of your resume should be on highlighting your qualifications, skills, and experience, with the photo serving as a supplementary element. It is recommended to research and align with the expectations of your target industry and region to make an informed decision. Remember, a well-crafted resume that effectively communicates your abilities will always be the key to success in the job search process.